River Parkway South
(formerly By
Dave Takacs, Meet Director The weather was fabulous for the 185 competitors on
White, Yellow and Sprint courses. There were many first-timers from
Scout troops, JROTC, church groups, Web surfer, and CSUS students.
Also, there were lots of smiling faces from far and wide, including the
group of four Marines, who regularly O in Southern California with SDO,
and LAOC and drove up from training in Bridgeport. Heck of a commute;
hope the drive home was a good one, guys. Challenges for all were provided by Course Setter Stew
Hintz. Perhaps the toughest: Sprint runners were faced with a parallel
feature trap that caught out many.
I was delighted by the hard work of the Volunteers: Stew,
Marsha, Jennifer, Ellie, Jessica, and especially Jonas Libell, a
first-time volunteer, who said "put me anywhere". We
gave him registration, where he excelled. THANK YOU volunteers. None of these jobs is very hard; give one a try at your
next meet. An hour or two is all we ask, and you get to hear all
the good stories. New faces are always welcome and you will get to
run your course, too!
So glad you could come. See you at our next meet at the
always challenging RESULTS WHITE 1.
Joe & Nick Wycoff
Rob Bivens, Art Costa, Colin Gray, Charlie Brace – New Hope
Youth Grp 3.
Carl & Alex & Haley & Ethan Walker, Luisa Brace - New
Hope Youth Grp 24:45 4.
Shannon Fredrickson, Jennifer Fassler
26:18 5.
Stephen Gillis, Reid 6.
Kathryn & Carmen Walker, Michelle & Maddy & Olivia
Brace -
- 7.
Glenn & Dana & Page Hermanson, Jessica Bastear, Loriane
33:18 8.
Tri Vo, Sam Tucker
34:25 9.
Kendra Brace, David Cook, Juaquin Costa
35:18 10.
Matthew & Trevor McGuire, Lucas Guinan, David Faucher – Troop 8
35:55 11.
Yelena Loseva
36:27 12.
Peter & Casey Robinson – Troop 88
37:48 13.
Tanya Wycoff
37:51 14.
Richard Hart
41:13 16.
Zachary Hill, Jesse Michehl, Joshua Fenner – Troop 107
42:43 17.
Lynne, Andrew, Sean Alex – Troop 136
49:04 18.
Lynn & Yogi Seal
51:59 19.
Jay, Karisa, Nolan Guettler
58:48 20.
Michael Francois, Jacob Kasak, Michael & William Ternes,
Nick Cammarota, –
Troop 251
60:24 21.
Michael & Colton Alexander
68:21 22.
Carol & Dick Mayeur, Bernadine Miller
68:40 23.
Alex, Tyler, Alexis Draffan
92:20 24.
Rich Alden
95:30 25.
Algela & Ian & Aidan Garvie, Azizi & Salim & Ellis &
Aliyah Penn
96:15 2nd
Rosemary Johnson
31:11 3rd
Charles Graves
Ryan Jeschke
24:31 YELLOW 1.
Douglas Lambert, Spenser Pryor, Josh Aguilar
36:10 2.
Daniel Hewitt
44:43 3.
Jeremy Fassler, Kirk Rekin
49:08 4.
Joe Berendt, Nicki Goldman
52:30 5.
Kevin Willis, Rafael Soto, Steven Diaz, Hanna Bergur - 6.
Tony Cygan
53:05 7.
Michael & Cheryl Werner
56:37 8.
Aaron Fajardo, Jason Jones
62:54 9.
Ashley McCurdy, Brett Shelton - CSUS
63:59 10.
E Little & P Adelsbach
64:28 11.
Natalie Wells, Portia Berger
65:59 12.
Andy Stepp, Zabrina Harp – CSUS
66:35 14.
Sarita Segovia
70:55 15.
David Pha, Phanat Xiong, Kong Her, Kou Her - 16.
Can Huynh
79:15 17.
Rick & Danny Tompkins, Bryan Reed
80:04 18.
Ken & Daria Roe
81:58 19.
Derek Daun, Katharyn McLearan
89:35 19.
Brad Lionberger, Keith Carpasso
89:35 21.
Alan & Ger Yang, Cristoval Ruiz, Jazzinye Sutton - 22.
Joe Akin, 23.
Sherena Edinboro, Natasha Strickner
110:35 24.
Chris, Jeff, Rebekah, Jarod, Caleb Russell
121:10 25.
Woldhagen Group – Angel, Amy, Sylvia, Alana, Amber, Taki, Alex
128:55 26.
Jim Masters
Bryan Parker - CSUS
Liz Abrams, Megan Riggs – CSUS
Denni Jackson, Melissa Walker – CSUS
DNF 2nd
Ryan Jeschke
Jim Fish
Charles Graves
Joe & Nick Wycoff
Shannon Fredrickson, Jennifer Fassler
Tanya Wycoff
Jay, Karisa, Nolan Guettler
Matthew Cochran
Richard Hart
Yelena Loseva
75:55 SPRINT
Rex Winterbottom
28:43 2.
Steve Harrison
41:17 3.
Jonas Libell
41:35 4.
Gary Kraght
42:53 5.
Bob Landry
47:39 6.
Matthew Cochran
48:32 7.
Greg Ehrensing
49:55 8.
Jennifer Kerr
51:02 9.
Phil Mosbacher
59:30 10.
Charles Graves
59:54 11.
Marsha Jacobs
64:40 12.
Jim Fish
66:18 13.
Ryan Jeschke
87:56 14.
James Proudman
103:58 15.
Barry & Gay Mackintosh, Chris Wefers
108:15 16.
Tou Vue, Long Vang, Max Xiong, Robert Chang - 17.
Judy Koehler
146:45 18.
Rosemary Johnson
163:11 19.
Jane Parody
Richard Diaz, Saul Gonzalez, Alejandro Aguilar -
Jamal Calvin, Mait Vang, Collis Zachraias, Brian Dao - 3rd
Joe & Nick Wycoff
71:20 Participants: White
87 Yellow
84 Sprint
33 Total