Bill and Kieran Swanson with MTB-O
course setter Mats Jansson (center)
Granite Bay
March 16, 2013
By Norbert Wagner
Event Director
The first Gold Country Orienteers event of 2013 was great success. The sky was mostly sunny and the temperature was in the 70s. For the second year in a row we started our orienteering calendar with both foot and mountain bike courses.
Dan Rathbun set the foot courses and Mats Jansson set the mountain bike courses, providing just the right level of challenge for participants from beginner to expert. Thank you Dan and Mats.
Although the total number of participants for all events was almost the same as last year, there was the huge increase in the number of participants doing the beginner and intermediate courses. At one point we almost ran out of White maps. Fortunately, many of the early finishers of the White course were willing to recycle their maps so others could participate. Thank you!
Here are the increases in participation from 2012 to 2013 at Granite Bay:
- White: +61 percent
- Yellow: +105 percent
- Orange: +94 percent
- Brown: +50 percent
These numbers suggest that orienteering has caught the attention of many newcomers who are interested in a fun outdoor sport. I hope you all enjoyed the physical and mental challenges of the courses you chose, as well as the beauty of nature, and will participate again in future GCO events.
Finally, I thank all of the volunteers: Dan, Dave, Emma, Jennifer, Jonas, Marsha, Mats and Paul. They devoted a lot of time and effort to make sure we all had a great day. Without them, we would not be able to have these events. Thank you all very much!
New volunteers are welcome. If you are interested in becoming more involved in orienteering by volunteering at one of our events, please Contact Us.
WHITE (2.2 km, 9 controls)
1. Carmen Gunn, Carl, Cameron, Grace, Graham, Camellia Waldorf, 28:24
2. Susan, Ian, and Ben Bower, GCO, 34:58
3. Kathy Russell-Fernandez, Jackson Stewart, Jake Martin, Marcia Alfray, 36:50
4. Tong Her, Ricky Lee, 44:19
5. Michael Lucas, Jack Orvick, 50:30
6. Dan, Ian, and Megan Campbell, 51:50
7. Willie and Trevor Koenig, Scout Troop 1855, 52:56
8. Jenny Lubin, 53:00
9. Ken and Adam Beckwith, Grant Gross, Scout Troop 1855, 54:56
10. Mark and Nicholas Nordheim, Scout Troop 1855, 55:16
11. Daniel and Dianna Estigarribia, Scout Troop 310, 56:00
12. Gunnar Kroencke, Scout Troop 1855, 57:16
13. Danny, David, and Jacob Zeibert, GCO, 62:06
14. Sean and Todd Jones, GCO, 63:48
15. Zhan Qing Regina Chen, Shi Ying Quinee Chen, GCO, 65:14
16. Joe VanSickle, 78:47
17. Bryan, Rebekah, and Cheyenne Lee, Kendra Wilkinson, 97:21
18. Tim, Titus, Jonas Libell, GCO, 109:20
Kristopher Moyer, GCO, DNF
David Peters, Cindy Peters, Diane Goretticscher, DNF
Tamara and Elizabeth Anderson, DNF
Jane Mrowka, GCO, DNF
YELLOW (3.4 km, 12 controls)
1. Ken Roe, GCO, 46:14
2. Rich, Liz, and Amy Alden, 61:12
3. Luke, Rod, and Aly Walls, GCO, 75:50
4. Debbie Rumsey, Nina Whitten, Brian Brockman, 77:36
5. Therese Cauchon, Jessie Adams, Ian McNair, Sean McHiel, Florin High JROTC, 77:56
6. Art Livingston, 78:33
7. Blanca Estevez, 80:31
8. Leilani Hall, Alex Thibault, GCO, 83:48
9. Carol Sodestrom, 85:02
10. Joy, Robert, and Trevor Valenton, 86:12
11. Lynn and Yogi Seal, 87:59
12. Sonja Renhult, Gina Vitale, 100:55
13. Adriana & Bob Byrne, 107:34
14. Tom Cousins, John Gillespie, 114:54
15. Mark, Annemarie, and Winston Spiller, Chen-Nee Chuah, GCO, 124:58
Bryan and Daniel Byrd, Scout Troop 1855, DNF
Karin Shine, DNF
Second Course:
Susan, Ian, and Ben Bower, GCO, 44:55
Daniel and Dianna Estigarribia, Scout Troop 310, 76:05
Emma Jansson, GCO, DNF
ORANGE (4.5 km, 14 controls)
1. Alan Walls, GCO, 49:20
2. Benjamin Brewer, Marshal Bailey, Jymi Harmen, Florin High JROTC, 52:12
3. Craig DeVita, GCO, 56:00
4. Marcia Jacobs, GCO, 58:00
5. TouYee Yang, Patrick Hangartner, Gabriel Fallis, Florin High JROTC, 58:44
6. Bob Bruns, Sue Lorimer, GCO, 64:53
7. Marcos Lazo Ya, Stephen Vang, Samuel Rodriguez, Joel Aroona, Florin High JROTC, 70:40
8. Jennifer Kerr, GCO, 70:52
9. Allen Brown, NEOC, 80:24
10. Judy Koehler, BAOC, 97:03
11. Emilio Vasquez, Heidi Powers, Dario Grajeda, Stephen Labue, Florin High JROTC, 99:27
12. Kathy Testmeier, Mike Christensen, 100:33
13. Kevin Walker, BAOC, 125:48
Jorge, Heriberto, and Ed Jimenez, David Lee, Joe Chao, Florin High JROTC, DNF
Second Course:
David Peters, Cindy Peters, Diane Goretticscher, 123:34
Frank Slattery, Maria Thompson, DNF
BROWN (5.2 km, 15 controls)
1. Frank Slattery, Maria Thompson, 43:55
2. Gary Kraght, BAOC, 79:42
3. Greg Ehrensing, BAOC, 85:47
4. Olga Kraght, BAOC, 126:15
5. Miranda Smith, Shanna Zahner, 140:53
Paul Keeton, GCO, DNF
Second Course:
Michael Chastaine, 84:09
RED (6.7 km, 19 controls)
1. Jonas Libell, GCO, 65:24
2. Mats Jansson, GCO, 65:35
3. Ryan Zahner, GCO, 96:43
4. Ryan Madison, BAOC, 131:47
5. Jeff Sterett, GCO, 140:43
6. Johanna Merriss, BAOC, 143:37
MOUNTAIN-BIKE SHORT (3.9 km, 10 controls)
1. Emma Jansson, GCO, 41:30
2. Scott and Zachary Bower, GCO, 54:52
3. Bill and Kieran Swanson, 196:38
MOUNTAIN-BIKE MEDIUM (6.9 km, 14 controls)
1. Norbert Wagner, GCO, 74:02
Second Course:
Ryan Madison, BAOC, 46:32
MOUNTAIN-BIKE LONG (10.8 km, 24 controls)
1. Michael Chastaine, 74:10
2. Lee Sorensen, 86:22
White: 50
Yellow: 43
Orange: 35
Brown: 9
Red: 6
Mountain-Bike Short: 5
Mountain-Bike Medium: 2
Mountain-Bike Long: 2
Total: 133