Mississippi Bar Score-O Meet
May 7th, 2023
Another gorgeous spring day and still beautifully lush and green vegetation greeted a good turn put for our first forest Score-O in a long while. Dan Rathbun expertly created a selection of 32 controls that made for interresting courses with a great deal of variety.
The format was a mass start and 90 minutes to find as many control points as possible with a penalty for being out too long. In the end only one team wasn't able to make it back in time within (or almost within) the 90 minute limit, which made scoring the event much easier.

Lincol High School Navy JROTC again came with a strong showing all the way from Stockton, and fielded 3 teams that worked together on strategy and navigation problem solving. All kept pushing and got an impressive number of controls. Team A with Joseph, Dakota, Austin and Ruben came out on top with 16 controls. Great work!

Troop 63 from Sutter Creek brought a lot of kids and lots of enthusiasm! They split into 4 teams and team #4 with Joseph, Landon and Kellen found the most with 13. Awesome!
It was great to see the scouts race with such enthusiasm sometimes even leaving their tag along parents behind them as they hunted for the next control. Thats the right spririt!

Roy at control 128
Several experienced orienteers had come up from the Bay Area (maybe to enjoy some flat terrain), but in the end, no-one could match local Roy Malone's blistering speed. He collected 30 controls and would have gotten all 31 if he hadn't folded his map in such a way that he overlooked one he was goin past.
This race was part of Roy's preparation for the 530 km Expedition Canada Adventure Race on May 23-29. We wish him all the best!!
A big thank you for all who came out for the event and gave it your best shot!
The complete results list is in this pdf-file here.
Total Participants: 63
We will return on June 6th, for another Score-O Event, this time at the CSUS campus.As a reminder, we are a volunteer run event and we were fortunate to have some strong people step up to make this event possible:
- Dan Rathbun, as always high energy, didn't settle for just being the course setter but also took on the role as meet director with good cheer and skill as always!
- Paul Keaton didn't have time to go out and run a course himself but STILL found the time to volunteer. He ran the registration process with calm, precision and a cheerful attitude, as he always does.
- Danny Lulla, helped out with registration, finishers, control pick up and most importantly SNACKS and MUSIC!
- Kyle Porter, Billy Allen and undersigned helped out with controll pick up despite tire legs from already running for 90 minutes.
BIG thanks to you all !!!
If you have time and interrest in helping make these events even better, please contact us. We love to have more people involved in the club!
The complete results list is in this pdf-file here.
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